Category: Husband
The Thing That Can Make [or Break] Your Marriage
There is one question we like to ask young adults about relationships. It goes something like this: You know that person that you really are
Telling Each Other the Truth at Home
The world is made up of two kinds of people: peace-keepers and truth-tellers. Most people far prefer peace-keeping over truth-telling. Truth be
Marriage is a “Mystery”
Mysteries are intriguing. In fact bookshelves, Netflix files and bestseller lists are full of them. They capture our attention and call us to
Dealing With Disappointments in Marriage
by Pamela Crosby Did you know that you could not have a positive life unless your mind and thoughts are positive? Negative thoughts do
Most people far prefer peacekeeping to truth telling. This is also true in many marriages. Truth be known, how many people do you have in your
Marriage and Revelation: What John Remembered
Marriage is a revelation; or, better said, a series of revelations. And a Christ-Follower, whether married or single, is greatly helped when they