Teaming: The Skill of the Age
One reason teaming churches and teaming leaders are so needed today is because our world is so rapidly changing—arguably more than at any other time in history. In America, for example, history thus far could be divided into three periods. Consider these:
Telling Each Other the Truth at Home
The world is made up of two kinds of people: peace-keepers and truth-tellers. Most people far prefer peace-keeping over truth-telling. Truth be known, how many people do you have in your life right now telling you the truth. I mean really telling you the truth. You know, the truth about you, your strengths and your weaknesses, your oversights and your potential.
Is There An Elephant in Your Team Meeting?
Few things are more frustrating than sitting in on a “team meeting” and listening to the “team leader” talk about everything but the very issue you know is the most pressing (and the most felt) one of the moment. Sometimes a team will experience a rift or a division that brings some hurt, confusion and disgruntled emotion into the atmosphere. The temptation of leadership is to avoid acknowledging the “elephant in the room”, to just ignore him, to pretend he doesn’t exist and hope he will just leave on his own, to attempt to move ahead with discussions, plans and dreams with a business-as-usual approach. When these moments occur, the emotional elephant is so present and so real that it is virtually impossible for team members to focus on the tasks or challenges at hand.
Continue reading “Is There An Elephant in Your Team Meeting?”
Marriage is a “Mystery”
Mysteries are intriguing. In fact bookshelves, Netflix files and bestseller lists are full of them. They capture our attention and call us to consider. When the Apostle Paul describes the roles and relationships of wives and husbands in the Book of Ephesians, he paints a picture of some of the significance of marriage, of the relationship of a wife and a husband (Eph. 5). But, while he describes and defines some of the intended purposes and spiritual significance of those roles, he says something unforgettable, in just five words; something that should set us free to think, ponder, wonder and imagine more about marriage than ever before. Here it is: Continue reading “Marriage is a “Mystery””