Category: Communication
Elephant Hunting! – A Vital Skill for Teaming Leaders
Few things are more frustrating than sitting in on a “team meeting” and listening to the “team leader” talk about everything but the very issue
A Big Mistake Ministry Teams Make
One mistake that will cause a team to wither or simply fall apart is to be under-challenged. A lack of challenge drains the soul of a team,
10 Team Trouble Signs
Here is a list of indicators that something (or someone) in your team needs your attention or assistance. Any one or more of these
Graceless moments. They have a way of sucking the life right out of us. They put the clamps on our spirits and keep us from breathing.
A LifeWord: Off the Pages & Into Your Heart
“The life is in the speaking words.” A.W. Tozer God wants to breathe a word into your soul and over your life. Did you know that? It happened to
Marriage and Revelation: What John Remembered
Marriage is a revelation; or, better said, a series of revelations. And a Christ-Follower, whether married or single, is greatly helped when they
What the Wilderness Tabernacle Reveals About Intimacy.
Rod Cooper, a professor at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, describes intimacy as “INTO-ME-SEE!” I like that. It says much about what
What kind of “fishing” was Jesus talking about?
What role does a church community play in the work of evangelism? A great place to start in looking at this theologically is the actual words and
A President, Not a Pastor.
Could an Evangelical Christian in good conscience vote to elect a practicing Mormon as President of the United States? That is the
A New Feature Film Coming in Dec. 2011 – “REAL!”
Check out the trailer for my nephew, Stephen Krist’s, first full-length feature film. It is coming out in December 2011. Stephen is 20
On the Minds of Millennials: “How is America Doing?”
“How is America doing?” We hear from so many middle-aged and older voices on this subject, sometimes, we hear it from too many of
Leading the MILLENNIALS.
The Lord of the Rings Trilogy captured the imaginations of Millennials as it contrasts the challenges of Frodo, the little Hobbit given a great