A President, Not a Pastor.

Could an Evangelical Christian in good conscience vote to elect a practicing Mormon as President of the United States? That is the question with which millions of voters in this country are now wrestling. Because of this struggle, all of Mitt Romney’s efforts to date have not allowed him to rise above twenty-five percent of Republican support in the polls. What gives? Or, should I say, what will give?
Could He Be the Next Steve Jobs?
It is encouraging to see the enthusiasm, enterprise and entrepreneurial spirit in this young man. Perhaps this time the student teaches the teacher. Pay attention, America! Dr. Robert E. Cooley says that “In today’s world, the student is the new ‘owner’ of education.”
A New Feature Film Coming in Dec. 2011 – “REAL!”
Check out the trailer for my nephew, Stephen Krist’s, first full-length feature film. It is coming out in December 2011. Stephen is 20 years old and one creative and talented young man.
On the Minds of Millennials: “How is America Doing?”
“How is America doing?” We hear from so many middle-aged and older voices on this subject, sometimes, we hear it from too many of them. Today, while teaching a class at Southeastern University, the question came to me – “I wonder what this classroom of young Millennials (twenty-somethings) think about how America is doing?” The question was too important to miss the moment. I was interested to hear my students’ views on their country and the shape she is in today. So, I popped the question: “If America were a person with a soul, how would you say she is doing today?” Here are some of the fascinating answers I received:
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