What kind of “fishing” was Jesus talking about?
What role does a church community play in the work of evangelism? A great place to start in looking at this theologically is the actual words and context of Christ’s determination: “I will make you fishers of men (Matt. 4:19).” For starters, was his metaphor of ministry about poles or nets?
Read my recent article in Leadership Journal called “Rod and Reel, or Net?”
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Is Joel Osteen saying that following Christ doesn’t involve suffering?
Take a close and careful listen to this recent interview Wolf Blitzer of CNN had with Pastor Joel Osteen. While many will be shocked over his statements about Mormonism, to me the more astounding assertion he makes is related to the subject of Christianity and the theme of suffering. Listen to the interview, check your Bible and let me know your thoughts.
Samuel Rodriguez Remembers Chuck Colson

Robert Crosby: How would you describe the late Chuck Colson and his contribution to the church world?
Samuel Rodriguez: Chuck Colson stands as an iconic figure. He enriched the Christian community by personifying the power of a redeemed narrative. His personal experience speaks of a man who fell into grace rather than falling from grace. From the birth of Prison Fellowship to the Manhattan Declaration, Dr. Colson’s optics of reconciling truth with love permeated all aspects of his life. I had the privilege of serving with him on the Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary Board and serving as his Hispanic partner for the Manhattan Declaration. He served as one of my greatest inspirations. Although his physical voice may be silenced, his ideas and convictions will carry on via a generation committed to reconciling righteousness with justice.