Chuck Colson on Who Most Needs to Repent in U.S.
The late Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship, believed that one particular group in America most needed to repent. It may not be who you would think? Watch this short video and plea from a leader in the Church who I believe had a prophetic voice that still speaks today.
How Good is “Good Enough”?
“I’m sick of your religion, religion, religion…” – Isaiah 1:14 The Message
“It will be an ill day for us if what most humans mean by ‘religion’ ever vanishes from the Earth. It can still send us the truly delicious sins. The fine flower of unholiness can grow only in the close neighborhood of the Holy. Nowhere do we tempt so successfully as on the very steps of the altar.” – Senior “devil” Screwtape in a speech at the “Annual Dinner of the Tempter’s Training College for Young Devils” (from C.S. Lewis’ popular parody, The Screwtape Letters)
Was Jesus Religious?
“I’m after mercy, not religion.”
Hosea 6:6 The Message
“Christ came when all things were growing old. He made them new.”
Would Jesus be comfortable attending an average church service today? I’m not so sure. You have to wonder at least, don’t you? First, I’m not so sure he would sit still for that long.
Jesus Didn’t Come to Start A New Religion.
How many more minutes before the church service would be over? That’s all I could think about. Every agenda item on the scheduled liturgy was just something else I would have to endure. My mind worked hard to calculate and estimate how much time each of these “perfunctories” would demand: Invocation – two minutes. Reading from Psalms – five minutes. Hymn #124 – three to five minutes. Hymn #291 – another three to five minutes. Sermon – twenty-five minutes, if I was lucky. And on and on it went until the mental calculator registered fifty-five minutes. Fifty-five minutes?! Fifty-five minutes to go. Fifty-five minutes of nothing to do but sit here. Fifty-five minutes until I could be released from this holding pattern. Fifty-five minutes until my mind could run free again. Fifty-five minutes until I could do what I really wanted to do.
Continue reading “Jesus Didn’t Come to Start A New Religion.”