Jesus and His Dependency on the Spirit
Scot McKnight recommends the volume by Hawthorne as the best work available on Jesus’ relationship to the Holy Spirit. This is an important subject for Pentecostals, and Evangelicals in general, to consider. Hawthorne makes an interesting, and highly significant, distinction between “faith in Jesus” and “the faith OF Jesus.” Consider this excerpt:
Alexander Whyte on Friendship’s “Power”

Abraham is described in the Bible as “the friend of God” (James 2:23). This was perhaps the most intriguing title ever given to a created being.
Newsflash: Marriage Reduces Poverty (A Brookings Study)
MARRIAGE REDUCES POVERTY? A recent study by the Brookings Institute shows that for those who graduate from high school, who get a full-time job and wait until 21 before they get married and then have their first child, the probability of becoming poor is 2%. If those factors are absent, the probability of becoming poor is 76%!
The Bible Appreneur: The Story of YouVersion Founder
Read the story of Bobby Gruenewald, the founder of Youversion, and how this incredible Bible reading and study tool came into being.